Saturday, June 11, 2011

Oh, sadness!

Update: after installing four bollard socks on the main foreshore car park areas and paths in Rockingham this morning, I've gone back a few hours later, just 'cause I had a funny feeling ...

... and yes, sure enough, each one has gone. That was a short life span :(

Logical analysis:
1. if members of the public have removed them opportunistically, GREAT!! So pleased that they've caught their eye. I hope these pieces of yarn graffiti turn up elsewhere sometime.

2. if local authorities have removed them, then how interesting! And fast work too!

My next bollard sock installation project might have to take a different tack. I may need to dust off my surveillance op's training to see who is following so quickly behind me to remove this offensive public knitting!

OR ... if Rockingham doesn't like escaped knitting, other places might.

International Yarn Bombing Day - 11 June 2011

Yarn bombing, aka yarn graffiti, has been around for a few years now. It seems to be better known in Europe and the USA than here in Australia, but I notice a few more fibre graffiti persons are leaving their knit tags around the place. And today has been adopted by yarnbombers as International Yarn Bombing Day.
I wanted to do my little bit to contribute to the event, so today I've nonchalantly wandered around my local area hanging crocheted spirals and fluffy pompoms in trees and popping on a knitted bollard sock here and there. I mean, why not?

What I love is when there's an engagement with a member of the public who bravely comes and asks "what are you doing, what's it for" and chuckles gleefully at the irony of knit graffiti.

I think it's these little bits of happiness that make it so much fun.